Equity Crowdfunding Sites
List of Equity Funding Websites
As large as Crowdfunding has grown in the last few year's it's about to get a lot bigger and more profitable once the SEC passes the JOBS Act Bill and Equity Crowdfunding sites will start accepting venture capital from the general public. A few of these funding sites are getting a jump start by running regular campaigns offering products and prizes to the general public, while also offering Accredited Investors the opportunity to invest in the start-up business. Once the SEC signs off on this Bill expected later this year, expect the flood gates to open with billions of new private investment dollars pouring into the market.
If your a resident in the State's of Georgia or Kansas you can already invest in an equity funding project to some degree. These are the only two States at this time that have taken a pro-active approach for creating a new way of financing a new business or opportunity, while the rest of the country is still waiting for the SEC to come to an agreement. They still come with a few limit's for non accredited inventors, for instance in Georgia under the “Invest Georgia Exemption” or “IGE” you can invest up to $10,000.00 per year (total) in a Georgia based business.
Below is a List of Equity CrowdFunding Websites In Alphabetical Order
Bank To The Future is an equity crowd funding site in the U.K. where you can invest as little as $10 on an existing business or a great up and coming idea you just know will be a success. do do not receive an equity stake in the company per say, but you receive interest on your investment instead.
Bank To The Future operates much like an online bank where your interest payment's will be deposited.
Crowdcube also located in the U.K., is setup similar to a lot of crowd funding sites but it is 100% equity funded related. Whether your a brand new start up, in the early stages or already established and needing growth capital, Crowd Cube accepts them all. This is a good example of what equity funding in the United States will look like after the JOBS Act finally gets passed.
Early Shares is geared up and waiting for the SEC to give them the green light so they can start helping you raise money for your business and/or invention. Under the new Law expected to pass later this year, you can raise up to a million dollars from unaccredited investors and an unlimited amount from credited experienced investors.
Equity Net is the only patented equity crowdfunding platform in the world. This is also one of the oldest funding sites on the Internet established in 2005. With over $200,000,000.00 already raised for new businesses and entrepreneurs from over 600 investors and investment groups, they clearly have the upper advantage when equity crowd funding goes mainstream. EquityNet's patented software Analyzer enables entrepreneurs to analyze and optimize their business plan before their campaign goes live.
IPO Village is gearing itself up for anyone to invest in pre-IPO investment opportunities made to the general public. This could be a game changer on how future IPOs raise capital and eliminate the middleman (Investment Banks) and go directly to the general public.
Micro Ventures gives you the opportunity pitching to experienced Investors and Venture Capital Firms that have the money and the experience to take your business to the next level. All campaigns get checked out during the Due Diligence phase to help eliminate any future liability issues.
Seedrs is another funding site in the U.K. where you can invest seed money for new start-ups. You will actually own shares in the business and will be paid dividends on any future profits. Invest as little as $10 all the way up to the full amount the Entrepreneur is seeking to raise.
Start Up Valley is an equity crowd funding portal that is also set up and ready to go when the JOBS Act gets passed sometime in 2013. Start Up Valley is located in Silicon Valley, Ca. and will be specializing in tech related startup's looking to raise additional capital in exchange for a stake in their invention/start up etc,. This might be a great opportunity to "invest in the next FaceBook" on the same playing level as investment bankers and institutional investors.
Sterling Funder is a Georgia based equity funding website where you can already participate investing in a new or existing businesses. Under Georgia State Laws an uncredited investor (annual income less then $200k per year) can invest up to $10k per year, while an accredited investor (annual income exceeding $200k per year) can invest any amount they wish. A maximum of $1 million can be raised under the new "Invest in Georgia Exemption". You must be a Georgia resident to participate at this time.
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